Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Harr! Guess who's back?

It's me. I fannied up my entire life again so thought I would let you all know. All one of you. Me that is. 10 points to the person who spots this post and then comments. 10 points and maybe a sneak at the new One Fathom Down LP.

Thursday, 14 August 2008

I'm sitting in the house...

and it has just hit me that indietracks was bloody ages ago.

Friday, 8 August 2008

We've never seen a keener window cleaner

Roy's Keen is officially Morrissey's best song.

Sunday, 3 August 2008

my review of a review

this one

What a cunt. Since when did the guitarist wear spectacles?

Sunday, 27 April 2008

I've discovered Flickr, so I'll be boring everyone to tears with tons of photos from now on.
I'll start with today (Sunday).

Em and I went into Central London, which we don't do often enough. You move all the way to the city from wherever in sticksville it is that you come from and then spend all of your time in your 'home postcode'.

We hopped on the bus and not far along the route we spotted this:

I guess you can break an arm in Martial Arts class, and then pop upstairs to have it fixed by the mis-spelled doctors.
On the way home I drank this:

And while uploading the photos I remembered how impressed I was to discover that Islington's youths were attempting to clean up their neighbourhood.

And as per usual, I'll be updating the muxtape - here with the 'highlights' of the weeks pick of the pops.

Monday, 21 April 2008

bloody work.

As per every other blog going, I'm going to do a post about my 'work situation'. It's pissing me off, to put it bluntly.

But what pisses me off more is that when I begin the hunt for more gainful employment every post that appeals requires 'education to degree standard'. Now, I made it to university, but did not finish. Is this 'education to degree standard'? I'm inclined to think not, leaving me in a position where I opt not to apply for said posts.

Maybe I'm being foolish and overly down on myself, but I always reckon that my application would find its way into the bin very, very quickly. Although I may have the skills, motivation etc. that the potential employers are requesting I don't tick all the boxes.

Reader poll: to apply, or not to apply - to any of them.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

round 2

I've had enough of the previous mix now. So here's the new one.

There's a few in here that I think will make me turn the headphones down and make sure no-one hears what I'm listening to. I'll not say which ones, you decide.

It's great having a fixed list of songs for the journey to and from work, you start associating songs with certain points on the journey although this could turn out to be a bad thing if your favourite song is forever linked to "Chicken Spot" on Holloway Road in your mind.